In May 2024, we gathered in Brussels to share our achievements, further develop our network, and welcome new people.
Global Food Systems are very complicated systems. Nowadays, many countries depend on these international flows as they don't have full food sovereignty. Around 80% of countries rely on international trade flows.
We advocate globally to address issues in our food systems like labor exploitation and pollution.
By urging policymakers to enact fair and sustainable food legislation, we're pushing for positive change worldwide.
Pesticides are chemical substances used in agriculture to control pests and diseases that threaten crop yields. However, their residues persist on harvested produce, making their way onto our dinner tables. The EU extended the use of glyphosate despite safety concerns and lack of consensus among member states. This decision contradicted the goal of sustainable farming outlined in the Farm to Fork strategy. It faced opposition from the industrial agriculture sector, which employed tactics to undermine green farming reforms.
A blueprint for an alternative food and farming system, it allows farmers to work with nature and develop their own solutions to problems. It emphasizes production and environmental balance. Agroecological farmers prioritize short marketing. channels and direct sales to connect with consumers.
What is ethical food? It revolves around the moral implications of our food choices affecting humans, animals and the planet. It highlights concerns such as environmental harm, exploitative labor practices, cruel treatment of animals in the food industry.
In this module, you will be introduced to what Fair Trade is, its principles, definition, actors, how it works, the current topics and key figures around the movement.
Speaker : Sergi Corbalán, The Fair Trade Advocacy Office
“This learning module was produced in the frame of the EU WISE FOR YOUNG CITIZENS PROJECT, a pan European Erasmus+ project, with the financial support of the European Union. Its contents are the sole responsibility of the authors, and do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Union”.
The present learning module is about the History of Fair Trade as a social movement. By focusing on different historical periods, it aims at providing lessons from the past and inspiration for the future. This historical overview will be instrumental to understand how the current Fair Trade movement and organizations that have come to be the ones that we know today.
Speaker: Dr. Peter Van Dam, University of Amsterdam
"This video is part of learning modules developed for Young Fair Trade Advocates Academy in the framework of the EU WISE FOR YOUNG CITIZENS Erasmus+ project, co-financed by the European Commission".
The present module will explore the relationship between the SDGs and the Fair Trade movement. By focusing on the historical development of the SDGs, you will discover why they are at the heart of the Fair Trade movement and how far it has come to achieve them.
Speaker: Leida Rijnhout, World Fair Trade Organization
"This learning module was produced in the frame of the EU WISE FOR YOUNG CITIZENS PROJECT, a pan European Erasmus+ project, with the financial support of the European Union. Its contents are the sole responsibility of the authors, and do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Union”.
Although the apparel market is dominated by big fast fashion brands, textile supply chains can also become Fair and Sustainable. This module aims at exploring how textile supply chains are so complex, and what challenges & opportunities the EU faces in making them more respectful of people and the planet. This module will also underline the role of Fair Trade organizations and other campaigns to advocate for a slow fashion industry.
- Stéfanne Prijot, documentary filmmaker and photographer
- Marta Garda, FTAO
-Delphine Williot, Fashion Revolution
- Liv Simpliciano, Fashion Revolution
"This video is part of learning modules developed for Young Fair Trade Advocates Academy in the framework of the EU WISE FOR YOUNG CITIZENS Erasmus+ project, co-financed by the European Commission".
In this module, you explore how worldwide food systems work, what’s wrong with them and how to make them more sustainable and fairer. Food chains are the perfect example of how socio-environmental inequity is reproduced but also a good way to show how the world can be made fairer.
Speaker: Tomaso Ferrando, University of Antwerp
In this module, we will explore the main environmental and human violations present in the global ICT chain, we will discover what efforts are being undertaken to achieve fairer and more sustainable supply chains, through the presentation of concrete examples. Finally, we will discuss what are the challenges and opportunities ahead for this sector in order to achieve sustainability in the long term and in what way as young fair trade advocates you can also promote a change.
- Judith Talvy, SETEM
- Carla Bosch, SETEM
- Elena Lunder, Fair Trade Advocacy Office (FTAO)
- Peter Pawilki, Electronics Watch
"This video is part of learning modules developed for Young Fair Trade Advocates Academy in the framework of the EU WISE FOR YOUNG CITIZENS Erasmus+ project, co-financed by the European Commission".
In this module, you will discover how social media can play a key role for policy change and activism. You will explore different ways to deliver impactful messages through social media and receive key tips to develop your own social media strategy and engage with your audience.
Speaker: Cass Hebron, the Green Fix
This video is part of learning modules developed for Young Fair Trade Advocates Academy in the framework of the EU WISE FOR YOUNG CITIZENS Erasmus+ project, co-financed by the European Commission
In this module you will get to know and explore how communities across the world are working to promote Fair Trade in their area, in order to enable more farmers and workers to get a better deal.
Speaker: Bruce Crowther, Fair Trade Towns
"This video is part of learning modules developed for Young Fair Trade Advocates Academy in the framework of the EU WISE FOR YOUNG CITIZENS Erasmus+ project, co-financed by the European Commission".
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On the occasion of the 18th anniversary of the setting up of the Fair Trade Advocacy Office (FTAO) in 2004, we are pleased to release on World Social Justice Day "the history of Fair Trade"