| 3/17/24

6. Fair and Sustainable electronics supply chains

In this module, we will explore the main environmental and human violations present in the global ICT chain, we will discover what efforts are being undertaken to achieve fairer and more sustainable supply chains, through the presentation of concrete examples. Finally, we will discuss what are the challenges and opportunities ahead for this sector in order to achieve sustainability in the long term and in what way as young fair trade advocates you can also promote a change.


- Judith Talvy, SETEM

- Carla Bosch, SETEM

- Elena Lunder, Fair Trade Advocacy Office (FTAO)

- Peter Pawilki, Electronics Watch

"This video is part of learning modules developed for Young Fair Trade Advocates Academy in the framework of the EU WISE FOR YOUNG CITIZENS Erasmus+ project, co-financed by the European Commission".


7. Using social media for policy change and activism


5. Food chains as spaces of multiple challenges (and opportunities)