| 3/17/24

4.Fair and sustainable textile supply chains: challenges and opportunities

Although the apparel market is dominated by big fast fashion brands, textile supply chains can also become Fair and Sustainable. This module aims at exploring how textile supply chains are so complex, and what challenges & opportunities the EU faces in making them more respectful of people and the planet. This module will also underline the role of Fair Trade organizations and other campaigns to advocate for a slow fashion industry.


- Stéfanne Prijot, documentary filmmaker and photographer

- Marta Garda, FTAO

-Delphine Williot, Fashion Revolution

- Liv Simpliciano, Fashion Revolution

"This video is part of learning modules developed for Young Fair Trade Advocates Academy in the framework of the EU WISE FOR YOUNG CITIZENS Erasmus+ project, co-financed by the European Commission".


5. Food chains as spaces of multiple challenges (and opportunities)


3.SDGs and Fair Trade